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Studying in Sapporo

Sapporo, the largest city in Japan north of Tokyo, is the political and economic center of north Japan. Also, Sapporo is the central city of Hokkaido richly endowed with nature and has beautiful aspects of the four seasons. Since there are more than 30 educational institutions including national and private universities and junior colleges in Sapporo, it is a favorable environment for learning.

Furthermore, Sapporo is known as a city of international tourism, and various events, including international conferences and sports meetings such as the Winter Olympics in 1972 and FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan in 2002. In 2008, G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit was held and leaders from around the world visited Hokkaido.

Sapporo has established a sister city relationship with Portland (U.S.), Shenyang (China), Munich (Germany),Novosibirsk (Russia) and Daejeon(Korea) , and kindly offers foreign people hospitality. Six consulates, including general consulates, and 17 honorary consulates are located as windows to the world. Sapporo is a safe place to live. Also, foreign students will live in Sapporo comfortably because prices of commodities are reasonable compared to those of Tokyo, and local people speak almost standard Japanese with little characteristic accents or local dialects.

札幌市内大通公園 JR札幌駅 札幌のシンボル時計台

学校に直結地下街ポールタウン 地下街 地下鉄

摩周湖 大沼公園 北海道神宮祭り

札幌ファクトリー 旧北海道庁前の雪だるま 札幌雪まつり雪像

蟹(かに) 北海道ワイン 寿司

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